Your Office Furniture is the Key to Productivity

Office furniture is a critical factor that can significantly impact workplace productivity. High-quality, ergonomic, and aesthetically pleasing furniture can help keep employees comfortable, motivated, and focused. Here are some key concepts to keep in mind as you optimize your workspace for employee satisfaction and productivity.


Ergonomics is the science of designing and arranging things in a way that maximizes comfort and efficiency for the people using them. In the context of office furniture, ergonomic design aims to reduce the risk of work-related injuries and discomfort by creating chairs, desks, and other equipment that support healthy posture and natural movements. According to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, ergonomics play a major part in workplace productivity and overall wellbeing.

  • Ergonomic chairs designed to promote comfort and prevent work-related injuries, like Contessa and Sabrina chairs from Teknion.
  • Seating options with adjustable armrests, lumbar support, and synchronized tilt mechanisms.
  • Furniture that promotes healthy posture and prevents musculoskeletal disorders, like standing desks.

Flexible and Multi-Use Workspaces

Flexibility in office furniture is important because it allows for easy reconfiguration and adaptation to changing needs. The traditional model of fixed workstations and private offices is no longer the only option for modern workplaces. Many companies are adopting more flexible and collaborative work environments, which require furniture that can easily be reconfigured and moved to accommodate different work styles and group sizes.

  • Flexible office design that allows for easy reconfiguration and adaptation to changing needs.
  • Easy to modify, relocate, and reassemble as needed.
  • Reduces downtime and improves productivity.
  • Achievable with the modular Altos and Optos wall partitions from Teknion.

Office Design

Great office design is vital for workplace productivity because it has a significant impact on employees' well-being, mood, and work performance. When people are surrounded by aesthetically pleasing and functional environments, they tend to feel happier, more energized, and more motivated to work. On the other hand, drab and uncomfortable settings can make people feel stressed, demotivated, and less productive.

  • Focus on creating a calming and focused environment that promotes productivity.
  • This can be achieved through proper use of color, office setup, and organizational furniture.
  • Zones collection: furniture designed to promote well-being and productivity, with a focus on natural materials and design.


The right furniture can also influence collaboration and teamwork throughout your business. Desks that are designed for group work and meeting rooms with comfortable chairs and tables can foster more effective communication and collaboration. Meanwhile, common spaces with comfortable seating areas encourage impromptu meetings and casual conversations, which can lead to new ideas and innovation.

  • Prioritize utilizing open areas and inviting furniture to encourage employees to work together.
  • Promotes communication, creativity, and collaboration among employees, leading to improved productivity.
  • Community table provides a modular design for individual and group work.

Investing in high-quality, comfortable, and functional office furniture is a great way to positively impact workplace productivity. Look for ergonomics, flexibility, eye-catching designs, and collaboration-promoting furniture when outfitting your office.

Teknion offers an array of great products that can level up your space. By making these investments, you can improve worker satisfaction, engagement, and productivity, ultimately leading to better business outcomes. When you’re ready to get started, reach out to OfficeWorks for a no-obligation quote.